Welcome to 10 Days to an Encouraging Work-Out Playlist: Day 3
Last January, I had the amazing privilege to attend Passion 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia. This worship conference is one of the major bedrocks for relevant worship music each year. Some of the songs that originated via Passion 2012 include 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman, One Thing Remains, featuring Kristian Stanfill, and All This Glory by David Crowder*Band. Check out the album Passion: White Flag for more great tunes and inspiring messages!
I’ve mentioned before how my workouts end up being very spiritual in nature. When I focus more on getting rid of my flesh, I find I work harder and end up getting rid of more fat in the process (woot!). While I am pretty pathetic physically, I am very mentally engaged in what God is doing in my heart during the work out. One song that helps me arrive at this thought process is Lay Me Down, featuring Christ Tomlin and Matt Redman, from the Passion: White Flag album. It has a great beat for a medium speed jog, but more importantly the lyrics echo my heart cry: to push my self aside, pledging allegiance to living as a woman of God. Pay special attention to the bridge:
With this heart open wide
From the depths, from the heights
I will bring a sacrifice
With these hands lifted high
Hear my song, Hear my cry
I will bring a sacrifice
I will bring a sacrificeI lay me down I’m not on my own
I belong to You alone
Lay me down, lay me down
Hand on my heart, this much is true
There’s no life apart from You
Lay me down, lay me down
Letting go of my pride
Giving up all my rights
Take this life and let it shine
Take this life and let it shineIt will be my joy to say
Your will, Your way
Talk about worship! Is there anything more submissive we could say to God than we will “offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is [our] true and proper worship. [We will not] conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of [our] mind. Then [we] will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2
For me, that is what exercise is all about, laying down my laziness and gluttony to be transformed into a hard-working and disciplined woman of God.
Return tomorrow for another song and a unique spiritual exercise you can do at the gym….
Catch up on 10 Days to an Encouraging Work-Out Playlist:
Day 1: Undignified by Warr Acres
Day 2: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Day 3: Lay Me Down, featuring Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin
Tomorrow……Day 4: No Chains on Me, by Chris Tomlin
Hey all, I decided we needed one more day!… Day 11: Your Choice! I’ll be featuring the songs YOU appreciate most in your work out. Don’t miss out, tell me your most motivating tune in a comment below!
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