Our church has decided to read the Bible in a year. I’ll be honest, even as a pastors wife, this seems daunting to me. I would probably not do it on my own. But the prospect of reading it as a church family—in communion with God and His people for one full year—definitely motivates me. …
Category: Studying the Bible for yourself
Pumpkin-Spice Quiet Time
There is nothing like spending time with God in autumn. O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8 All around us, the world is preparing for cooler weather. However, as followers of Jesus, we must not let the migration indoors catalyze a hibernation of our hearts. My suggestion:…
6 Reasons to Prioritize Time with God in Hard Times: Why Bible study should be the last to go when you are tired, exhausted, sick, grieving, etc.
I recently took about a week of from my study in Leviticus. After spending a weekend at a retreat (which when you are caring for 7 month old twins translates from retreat to “high demand situation”), I found I was losing the battle with a lingering cold. Exhausted, I felt all I could do was care for…
Leviticus 1: Burnt Offering of Worship
A Study in Leviticus: Chapter 1 I woke up late today, but as I mentioned earlier, I am determined to study Leviticus. I am confident there is truth in this book that will lead me to a greater understanding of God and therefore, more abundant worship of him. So I sat my babies down with toys…
Leviticus: The Outline
A Study in Leviticus: Outline and Overview Here the whooshing sound? That is the air flying past your ears as you jump, cannonball-style into the unknown territory of Leviticus. Thanks for joining me, for challenging me, to study Leviticus. There is encouraging, relevant and applicable truth in this book. And I am determined to discipline…
Why Should I Study Leviticus?
While writing the “Bible Study Tips” series, I asked several people what keeps them from studying the Bible. One of the most intriguing answers was the following: How does reading Leviticus going to help me manage my time better so that I can maintain my 3.8 GPA while taking 21 credits? This question definitely has…
Getting back into God’s Word
Today, I couldn’t find my Bible. How embarrassing. It has been a busy season. What was the first thing to go? My Breakfast with Jesus….. and while we are on the subject, I let go of most of my fantastic habits ;( Anyway, since we host many-a-Bible study, we have a LOT of Bibles floating…
God’s Word: Piercing to the Heart
Do you ever experience a divine intervention? You know, when you hear a sermon or a Bible study explained, and the Holy Spirit just hits you straight in the heart with the truth He has for you? Sometimes, the message wasn’t even heading in the direction for which it pierces our soul. The passage could…

10 Go-To Excuses to Avoid Studying the Bible (and practical ways to overcome them!)
A few months ago, I asked a question via Facebook: “Why do you typically avoid studying the Bible?” I received some insightful responses, and joyfully ventured into dangerous territory: debunking the excuses. While I enjoyed the idea of helping others overcome their Bible study blockades, I was not so happy when God brought up some of…
Bible Study Tips for the #Selfie
#newOutfit #Selfie #HairCut #Selfie #concert #alldolledup #selfie #bored #selfie #LookatME #selfie Breaking news, people, the selfie culture has arrived! (Definition: “#selfie” [pronounced: hash-tag-self-ie)… the term used in social network to identify a picture taken as a self-portait, often using a bathroom mirror or awkward stretching/smartphone balancing skills.)* Ok, lets face it, humanity has always lived…