In less than 10 days, our world will come together for the most anticipated Friday of the year: Black Friday. Long ago, I discovered some gray neutral ground for Black Friday. I do not actively avoid it, however I am not consumed by it. TBH, I appreciate the occasion for people-watching on a grand…
Category: Faith Journey
5 Gospel Sharing Hacks That Will Change the World
Are you tired of anxiety hijacking your chance to share your faith with a co-worker? Does the idea of evangelism incite an eye-roll reflex? Have awkward experiences tarnished the idea of gospel-sharing for you or your family? I get it. I have been there before. Talking about church, God, faith, sin, and the afterlife can…
6 Ways To Make Reading The Bible In A Year Work For You
Our church has decided to read the Bible in a year. I’ll be honest, even as a pastors wife, this seems daunting to me. I would probably not do it on my own. But the prospect of reading it as a church family—in communion with God and His people for one full year—definitely motivates me. …
Lame Church: What To Do When Your Teenager Thinks Church Is Less Than Appealing
“It’s so BORING.” “Why can’t I just sleep in?” “But none of my friends go to youth group!” “I don’t get anything out of the Bible study, what’s the point?” “I have too much homework to go to small group tonight?” “I would rather help in the nursery.” “I forgot.” Parents, we have heard it…
Let Go of Tidy Faith
I am not a neat freak. At least when it comes to our home, my bedroom, and my hairstyle. Unfortunately, I can be a perfectionist of presentation when it comes to my faith. When life presents difficult moments, moments when I doubt God’s provision, I cling to this concept of tidy faith. When exhaustion, discouragement,…
In Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: The Savior, the Spoiled, and the Sanctified
I sit in my quiet living room, overwhelmed by my wealth. My babies are napping peacefully (for now). I am safe. I am dry and warm, but not too hot thanks to air conditioning. I live in a 3 bedroom, 2-bath house, with a spacious living space, and a 2 car garage and countless amenities….
10 Go-To Excuses to Avoid Studying the Bible (and practical ways to overcome them!)
A few months ago, I asked a question via Facebook: “Why do you typically avoid studying the Bible?” I received some insightful responses, and joyfully ventured into dangerous territory: debunking the excuses. While I enjoyed the idea of helping others overcome their Bible study blockades, I was not so happy when God brought up some of…