Today, I couldn’t find my Bible.
How embarrassing.
It has been a busy season. What was the first thing to go? My Breakfast with Jesus….. and while we are on the subject, I let go of most of my fantastic habits ;(
Anyway, since we host many-a-Bible study, we have a LOT of Bibles floating around the house. Another privilege I’ve been taking for granted.
Last night, I asked my impressively encouraging small group to hold me accountable to reading the Word of God again. And I know they will, because they are just that reliable and awesome.
So I am posting this helpful questions chart again as a reminder and tool and I dive back into God’s precious Word.
If you, like me, have been avoiding it, or just forgetting it… Join me to a fresh devotion to truth. We all falter, but Gods grace meets us there. He picks us up, sets our feet sturdy on the path… but it’s up to us to take that first step with Him again.
Oh and for the record, I found my Bible. It was on a shelf beneath my computer screen. I put it there to remind myself to study it. Fail. 🙂
A tool/reminder for study: Use the above picture as a background for your smart phone or desktop. Or copy the questions below and paste to a Word Doc. Feel free to print and make a study binder for whatever book you are studying from the Bible.
What does this teach me about God?
How can I use this information to worship God in a deeper way?
How does this change the way I think about Jesus?
What am I grateful for regarding this passage?
What don’t I like about this passage? Why?
Can I trust the God of this chapter as much as I trust the (same) God of the other books of the Bible? Why or why not?
How does this chapter challenge me?
Happy Studying!!!