The lyrics above always strike a chord with me. Yesterday, we talked about giving our extra money. Today we are looking at how we can give our time away.
Again, I am a HUGE advocate of giving a specific dedication of your time. For instance, Shane and I have taken much of his vacation time to go on missions trips or serve at a youth camp… not the ideal “vacation” but totally worth it.
What we are talking about here is Give-as-you-go. God taught me a lot about this concept this week as I was on my way to pick up pizza. I have been around people every hour of every day for the entire weekend. When we decided to order pizza for our college Bible study, my first thought was “finally, some alone time as I pick up the pizza.”
But the Holy Spirit prompted me to invite a student to tag along.
Friends, I got to share the gospel with this person. I was so blessed to enjoy an open conversation about God, salvation, and purpose with this individual who has not yet surrendered Christ. It was incredible! My driving buddy didn’t accept Jesus then, but told me (s)he was definitely more open to it!
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.
God has provided PLENTY of extra in our life. He promises it! Just as Boaz ensured his leftovers would provide for Ruth and other gleaners (Ruth 2), we to can help others from our abundance.
Try it out!
Give-as-you-go… and let someone else reap the benefits. You might get a few too along the way. (Hey, Boaz ended up with a loving bride in the end 🙂 )
Be conscious of your “wasted” time, and use it to encourage someone.
- Get to know other people at the laundromat. (I have built 2 significant friendships by sharing my faith while waiting on the laundry.)
- Instead of reading junk-magazines in the grocery line, ask the person behind you how their week is. Find the positive and encourage them to keep up the good work.
- Prayerfully wait for a God-opportunity to meet a perfect stranger. Smile, and ask, “is there anyway I can pray for you today?” If they are receptive, offer to pray for them, right then and there. If you notice they are still receptive, offer your card or email address so you can keep in touch with how that prayer request is going.
- While you are endlessly scrolling through Facebook, use community Facebook groups (upcycle) to notice the “foreigner” in your community. Who just moved here and still feels like an outsider? Who is asking for mechanic suggestions or a good daycare? Send them a “welcome to the town” message and offer to meet them for lunch. Perhaps they would even join you for church.
Do you have another suggestion? Add to the conversation by commenting below.
Come back later this week for practical tips on learning “give-as-you-go” with your space.