22 Weeks: March 23-29
How far along? 22 weeks (5 months, 2 weeks)
Babies size: papayas
Sleep: at this point, I am getting used to waking up every couple of hours. Now to be able to stay up and nurse some kids at those points, that’s another story. Good thing I have some time!
Exercise: another week escaped me. I have energy, but I also have a lot of other tasks to do. I just need to shuffle some time and priorities to get my body in shape for the marathon ahead!
Best moment this week: Finally finding cribs I like! What do you think?
What do you NOT miss? I realize how depressing this little questions is every week (Miss anything?). So I am changing it to what do I not miss. This week it is zippers on my pants. I do not need zippers and buttons on my pants to feel more human. I like how shapely maternity jeans make my hips. A friend of mine just blogged about “breaking up” with the jeans that gave her a muffin top… (read it here). I am TOTALLY feeling her, and I think women’s jeans should feature the stretchy maternity band business at every stage of life. Of course, this means no showing off our tummies, but I think that would be a glorious fashion trend!
Babies’ Movement: Rolling all around!
Food cravings: a wonderful woman who works with Shane brought me a FROSTY from Wendy’s this week, out of the blue. Awesome.
Genders: Boy and a Girl.
Kids room prep: I think Pinterest is my best friend/worse enemy. There are so many fun ideas! Here’s a few ideas so far from our Twin’s room idea board:
Labor Signs/prep:. I continue to work on cleaning out the house. I also spend a lot of time in the computer, so I’ve been bouncing on my birthing ball instead of a comfy office chair.
Symptoms: still feeling full, but hungry all the time. When I lay down on my side, my tummy feels like a bowling ball in a flimsy grocery bag… not sure if I am going to burst or not.
Mood: happy, but overwhelmed sometimes. There’s a lot going on this month! And I feel that my window of productivity is closing. Hey, at least I am being reproductive if not productive. 🙂
Lullaby of the week: When I’m with You, by JJ Heller
Truth I’m dwelling on: Quit elevating my own potential for failure, and start emphasizing the promise of God’s faithfulness in my life (especially when thinking about motherhood/raising twins and our coming world-traveler)
Looking forward to: Baby showers!!!!
This photo of you is probably my favorite so far. You look glamorous and glowing! I also LOVE the three color swatches in the first “decor” photo. Great idea.