We made it! Two months later and we are all still alive! Sleep deprivation aside, Shane and I are LOVING this business of being parents to Titus and Evangeline.

Titus Zachariah Rosty has a fettish for lights and ceiling fans. He has mastered the art of cooing, thus capturing the hearts of us all. If he has the option, Titus would rather be hat-less, but he rather likes his Van’s shoes.
Regarding clothes, he grows out of outfits before we get a chance to even try them on! By the charts, he is growing about a pound a week! He has muscled his way to the top of the “hold-your-head-up” games, though his sister still has him beat in the focus round.
Speaking of the sister, Evangeline River Rosty does not like wearing socks or shoes, but she is all the fashion-rage with her flower hats and headbands. Evangeline’s specialty is being relaxed (which is why she never wins the tummy time challenges).
She coos and smiles, but unlike her brother, Evi will make direct eye-contact with you, boring a hole of adorable into your soul. She’s been known to particularly focus in on the young men in our ministry circles.
Titus has taken it upon himself to personify all of the seven dwarves in one day, every day. It’s his personal mission to keep us guessing about his mood.
Evangeline is very perceptive and enjoys taking in her surroundings. She particularly enjoys listening to daddy playing guitar: she gives a great big sigh of contentment every time she hears it.
Both babies are average conversationalists, though this skill is on the rise. Although we don’t always know what they’re trying to talk to us about, Shane and I respond anyway. We are rock-stars at baby talk!

At last, the twins have noticed each other! Titus furrows his brows together when he sees his sister. We think he’s trying to say “what is that!?” We typically respond with, “this is called a sister, she is to be defended at all costs.”
Evi just smiles at Titus with absolute adoration. I can’t wait to hear them talk to each other. For now, they hold hands when side by side.
I am so blessed to have incredible help throughout these past 2 months. I wouldn’t be nearly as confident in this mothering business without the help and encouragement of these three ladies: my mom Theresa, Shane’s mom Sandy, and our dear friend Missy.
On the days we are on our own, Shane carries the standard for our family as our fearless leader and faithful shepherd. He is an incredible example of Christ to us, and I am beyond privilege to be his wife and mother of his kids (we call ’em “loin-fruit,” but that’s a different story). Shane is also thriving in his new role as Associate Pastor of Youth Ministries at our new church here in Sheridan.
It’s almost 10pm, and the babies have been sleeping peacefully for almost 2 hours. If I don’t join them in dream-land, I’ll miss my window. Sweet dreams friends, and thanks for all you do!
In His Grace,
PS: If you’d like to help us celebrate 2 months with the twins, here are some subtle suggestions:
- Diapers, size 2 and up!
- Lactation cookies (or anything to help me keep my milk supply up)
- Crock-pot meals
- Boy/girl clothing size 3-6 month (hand-me downs are great!)
- Baby carriers (we are eyeballing the Ergo or Beco, since Titus hates the Moby)
- PRAYERS! For strong babies with non-flat heads, sleep-ful nights, and parents who rely on the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to parent well.