I am by no means a fitness guru. My fitness goals consist of getting to the gym habitually… no weight loss, no “mile in under 10 minutes” goal… just hoping to build a habit.
Still, one thing I’ve got going for me is my AWESOME playlist-making skills. My workouts are not just a kick-in-the-butt; they are uplifting and encouraging in my walk (or run) with God. With the right choices of music, I feel I am not just battling fat, but battling flesh (the selfish side of me).
Almost a year ago, after we ran in the Princess 1/2 Marathon, my mom asked me to share my running playlist with her. It is full of songs to encourage us along the journey, not just keep us in-step with a catchy beat.

My mom and sister are running in the Princess 1/2 Marathon again. Though I can’t join them this year, I can provide some suggestions of impactful songs for the journey.
So here you go mom (and anyone else who’s interested), I am finally getting around to sharing my running playlist with you.
Some of the songs may include extensive explanations as to why they encourage me, others might just be a set of lyrics. I highly recommend getting a Spotify account for less than $9 a month (less expensive than buying 1 album a month) so you can download any of these songs to your iPod.
But before I start, I want to hear your ideas! What do you listen to to keep you running to Jesus and staying fit?
Comment below! Then check out the full list….
10 Days to an Encouraging Work-Out Playlist:
Day 1: Undignified by Warr Acres
Day 2: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Day 3: Lay Me Down featuring Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin
Day 4: No Chains on Me by Chris Tomlin
Day 6: Core of My Addiction by Fireflight
Day 7: Oh Praise Him, David Crowder*Band
Day 9: Movements by Rend Collective Experiment
Day 10: Oldies but Goodies from the past!
… Day 11: Your Choice! I’ll be featuring the songs YOU appreciate most in your work out. Don’t miss out, tell me your most motivating tune in a comment below!
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