In light of it being the last day of 10 Days to an Encouraging Work-out Playlist, I decided to share my whole playlist from the 1/2 Marathon (where this whole encouraging work-out thing began.)
The other day I revived my old Ipod. Since getting a high-tech, music playing phone 1 year ago, I haven’t used my ipod classic. It amazes me how much has changed in a year, particularly in my music taste! Many of these songs are “oldies but goodies,” but many of these songs are still staples in my work out playlist. These are the songs I listened to for several hours while running the 1/2 Marathon; enjoy!
Our God, and No Chains on me by Chris Tomlin
We Were Made for You, and All Things, by Aaron Gillespie
Move forward by Bethany Dillon
Here is our King, Foreverandever etc., I saw the light, You are my Joy, Come Awake, O Praise Him, and We Win by David Crowder*Band
Its Not Good to be Alone by Brandon Heath
Day after Day by Kristian Stanfill
Here Come those Eyes by Chris Rice
Control by JJ Heller
In Exile by thrice
Desperate, Core of my Addiction, What I’ve Overcome, You Give Me that Feeling, Unbreakable, You Gave Me a Promise, and Brand New Day, by Fireflight
Stronger, These Days, Free, by Mandisa
Set Sail by Adam Jackson (A local Wyoming artist who played this song at our wedding. It was incredible, definitely check this music out!)
And of course, the wonderful 1/2 Marathon coordinators played Stronger by Kelly Clarkson at the half-way point… it was awesome!
I still don’t understand how I got through a work-out with such slow melodies and soothing tunes; I think in the end, what motivates me most is not pumping beats. When my heart is lead to soar and I am connecting with God–that is when I am most motivated to bring my body into submission, exercise self-control over my lazy tendencies, and go the distance to be a fit and godly woman.
Don’t forget tomorrow is YOUR PICK! (it would help if I had a few comments to work with 🙂
Catch up on all 10 days to an encouraging playlist here.
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