Summer camp is around the corner.
I am preparing for a week of discipling kids in the Lord. As I do so, a lot comes to mind:
- Am I getting too old for this?
- How will I hold these teenagers attention?
- Will I be an asset to the rest of the staff, or an annoyance?
- Can I even compete in the sports activities? Will I look like a fool?
I want to honor God well. I want to humbly serve my teammates also. I really want to love those awesome teenagers unconditionally…
But I keep dwelling on my own “appearance”… how I will come across.
I think I do this because I feel “safe” when I am in control. I feel like I wont get hurt, offended, or looked down upon if I can “do everything right.”
Truth reminds me not to dwell on what men think. I must dwell on God, His work, His success rate, His will, His heart for this ministry. Not only will I effectively shine the spotlight on Jesus, but I will also find the “safety” I am desperate for.
In Christ, I am found. My identity is safe–daughter of the King. No one else’s opinion matters.
This verse keeps my head on straight. Not just in ministry, or with people I want to serve well. It is truth for every aspect of my life.
I exist for an audience of one.