Hebrews 3:6 says this:
“Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope.”
Later in the chapter, the author describes a group of people who did not hold fast to their relationship with God, who “always go astray in their hearts.”
As I read Hebrews 3 today, I recall how necessary it is to remember God’s goodness. The Israelites forgot, time and time again, how God saved them, fed them, led them. I don’t believe we “lose our salvation” each time we despair, question, or ignore God’s work in our lives. But I do accept the reminder: there will be “rest” for the believers who hold fast to their identity in Christ.
It makes sense really. Like Peter, when we take our eyes off of Jesus and onto the storms in this life, we start to sink into the waves.
May we not forget our great God. Rather, let us remember our identity as children of God in Christ. Like Hebrews 3 says, we should be constantly bringing up the hope we have.
Like a kid who wont stop asking why….
Like a teenager who can’t stop checking Instagram for a “like.”
Like a grandpa who shares the same awkward story at every family get together.
In other words, we have full permission to be restless in reminding our souls, our family, our world, that we, INDEED, have hope!
I find there are 2 effective ways to do this: by remember the journey and just keep walking faithfully.
I spent some considerable time flipping through old journal pages. It is so good to remember where I was, and how God made such amazing things happen in those times.
Jesus has taught me so much.
He has answered so many prayers.
In His grace, I have become a beautiful woman, confident in Christ.
By reading of His faithfulness personally in my own life, I am filled with confidence and gratefulness. It is going to be easy for me to “boast in my hope” today.
In addition to remembering God faithfulness in the past, I believe we are called to walk obediently into our future. Obedience to God is the greatest display of our hope to the world. Do not harden your heart, but listen, follow, and obey…. always remembering His goodness.
How are you remembering His goodness today?