21 Weeks: March 16-22
How far along? 21 weeks (5 months, 1 week)
Babies size: At the ultrasound (21 weeks, 3 days), Baby A (our big boy) was actually measuring 21 weeks and 6 days. The little lady is a bit more petite at 21 weeks, 1 day. And my uterus was measuring 23 weeks. So we are all over the charts, which aren’t very accurate at this point anyway.
During the ultrasound, our little man stuck his foot right in view of the doppler. It measured an inch! An impressive 1 inch foot…
Weight gain: 4 lbs. total
Sleep: Can you say “numb arms?” I have yet to master sleeping on my side without my heavy belly squashing my limbs.
Exercise: Hit the gym once! Better than nothing.
Best moment this week:. Toss up:
- Getting the all-clear from the ultrasound that we have 2 very healthy babies!
- Experiencing God through Shane’s teaching at the Youth Evangelism Conference.
- Building our Babies’ registry.
Miss Anything? I miss my pre-preggo body sometimes. I used to complain about so many silly things, like my tummy flab or the way my butt jiggled when I ran. I wouldn’t trade carrying these kids for anything, but now and then I feel a bit like a potato and miss the stamina and ability to run 3 miles, push myself, and notice results.
Movement: Shane and I can both feel the babies moving, and they are active!
Food cravings: still on the soft-serve ice cream kick.
Genders: Our ultrasound definitely confirmed a Boy and a Girl.
Labor Signs/prep:. I have begun the purging and packing process of our home. I am hoping to get rid of lots of stuff to make room for 2 more people in our home. We won’t be moving for a couple more months, but I want to take it one chunk at a time.
Symptoms: Feeling of fullness, but hungry all the time.
Mood: Nonchalant. Both Shane and I have come to a place of complete trust in God, so much that we don’t have to remind ourselves. God is good, live moves forward, and we are blessed.
Lullaby of the week: Hello Lovely by Beta Radio
I wrote a poem for you
You didn’t have to ask me to
I wanted to because I feel
Nothing else could be as realL-O-V-E
Hello lovelyI built a home for you
By the garden that I knew
You love more than anything
I lay down my life again
Truth I’m dwelling on: My Savior is BIG! Read John 18, realize that at least 500 men were involved in the “capture” of Jesus (John 18:3), and Jesus knocked them all over with one phrase: When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. (John 18:6)…Then marvel with me at how awesome Jesus is, that he could display such power in one moment, then willingly subject himself to crucifixion for my salvation (and anyone else who would believe). That is powerful!
The same God walks with me through each week of this twins-in-progress journey. I am undeserving.
Looking forward to: Moving into the new house and setting up the kids’ room. It is coming along so nicely…

love all 4 of you. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. It brightens our day
I would just like to say that it is so refreshing to read your blog posts! I am about 24 weeks along and find it incredibly encouraging that someone else is experiencing the same things I am. I completely understand about feeling full yet hungry all the time. This is a time when trusting God is key and my husband and I have also found God’s grace abundant in our ability to do so. Thanks for sharing some truth!
Praying for you Christy! How exciting!