Last week, I was blessed to visit my brother-in-law at the hospital.
A few weeks ago, Jay, my sister’s husband, fell 12 feet on a job site (he is a professional plumber) and broke his back. The surgeon who operated on him said he has never seen an injury like this that didn’t end in paralyses. During surgery, the doctors began to repair the muscle tissue first, then suddenly it appeared that Jay’s spine “floated” back into place.
We know it was the mighty hand of the Holy Spirit in the operating room, according to Psalms 41:3…
The Lord sustains them on their sickbed
and restores them from their bed of illness.
Feeling in his legs…
Movement in his toes….
Sitting, standing, WALKING in just a few short weeks!…
A MIRACLE, ladies and gentlemen.
I can think of no better way to celebrate and commemorate moments of beauty like this one than through pictures. I am not by any means a photographer (I have a best friend for that 😉 ). But I do see the value of photos to say “this moment is important!”
My first inclination was not to take a picture. I was feeling particularly like a pregnant potato at the time, and who knows who else didn’t feel their “best-dressed” that day, including Jay. But this moment wasn’t about us. I would argue that every moment that is picture worthy, from group photos to “selfies”, is probably MORE about the God who gives us
breath and sunshine and legs to walk on,
a friendly stranger to take the picture,
and the technology to capture it all in a photo.
And God gets all the glory.
What is stopping you from taking a picture; from celebrating all that God has done?
Through this tragedy-turned-miracle, my family has learned that each day together is truly a blessing and photo-op worthy!
(In fact, I think those are some of the most genuinely happy smiles we have shared together in a long time.)
I have been praying for Jay since I heard of his accident. So wonderful to hear the news that God has healed him! Thanks for all your Posts! Marlene
I agree! 🙂
Actually a really great photo, in my opinion! Good insight into every day being “photo worthy”.