24 Weeks: April 6-12
How far along? 24 weeks (6 months)
Babies size: 1 1/2 lb each! If you are doing the math, you’ll notice they are now gaining a 1/2 pound a week. (No wonder I am exhausted and starving all the time).
What’s new with babies? They have eyebrows! And eye lashes, and a bit of hair on their heads, although for now it doesn’t have any pigment. Judging from our personal history as babies, our kids are going to be blondes anyway 🙂
Sleep: I don’t want to talk about it.
Exercise: Spent some time at the pool this week. Still low on stamina, but I have to start somewhere.
Best moment this week: I love the little things that made every day special this week: Shane praying for me and the twins at night, our moments of singing to them, studying God’s word with our college students, becoming more and more aware of His daily grace.
What do you miss/NOT miss? I miss playing ultimate frisbee and ambitious early spring-time hikes. The sun is starting to shine, and I am finding ways to enjoy it (we have lots of relaxing backyard campfires), but I miss some of the spring-time activity.
I do NOT miss my “monthly cycle”… that business is pretty great to NOT have.
Babies’ Movement: Tap dancing all night long.
Food cravings: cold stuff: ice cream, smoothies, fruit, etc.
Genders: a Boy and a Girl.
Kids room prep: I’d really like to upcycle a dresser we have. It is excellent height for a changing table, and the drawers are perfect-size for baby clothes. I’d be happy with any suggestions on how to update it! Send me links or pins!
Labor Signs/prep: Early in the pregnancy, I would get very anxious thinking about this stage, especially whether or not I would experience preterm labor or have to go on bed rest. God has given me great favor in this process though, and I still have energy, feel healthy, enjoy the babies kicking, and have no signs of complications to date.
Symptoms: Still congested, but I’m getting used to it. My arms regularly fall asleep, and my right hip is not being friendly. I also have regular cramps in my right leg/foot.
Mood: Oh dear. I dropped my ice cream in the parking lot. I haven’t experienced such heightened emotions in a long time. What a battle between rational thinking and raw instinctual frustrations.
Lullaby of the week: .Quando Quando Quando, by Michael Buble.
“Every moment’s a day; every day seems like a lifetime… Tell me when will you be mine?”
This question consumes my thoughts more often than not. As my mom put so eloquently, “this summer is just one big blank page.” We can’t pencil in our expectations, or even a preferred timeline per say. It’s all in God’s hands. That is a good place to be though.
Truth I’m dwelling on: No matter how rough the night was, I can still rise and shine and give God the glory! Isaiah 40:
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you (vs. 1)Lift up your eyes all around, and see;
they all gather together, they come to you;
your sons shall come from afar,
and your daughters shall be carried on the hip.
Then you shall see and be radiant;
your heart shall thrill and exult, (vs. 4-5)and you shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior
and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. (vs. 16)
Looking forward to: our OB appointment next week. Packing up the house and getting ready to move in early May!