29 Weeks: May 11-17
How far along? 7 months, 1 week
Babies size: about 3 lbs. each!
What’s new with babies? Practicing breathing (we got to see the little boy work on this during the ultrasound 2 weeks ago).
What’s new with Mama? Belly button has popped out!
Exercise: In addition to my “birth prep” list, my dear friend Kristen has started coming over 2 times a week to practice prenatal-friendly yoga routines with me. I need to build up a little bit of endurance, but it is great!
Best moment this week: Maternity Photoshoot!!!! My incredibly talented friend Andy Gann took a couple of quirky individuals…
added a touch of magical cheer (and maybe some coffee)…
and made this happen!
What do you miss/NOT miss? I miss the brain power to get stuff done/remember important things. I do NOT miss not knowing how much grace and patience my loved one’s have for me. My baby-brain gives me the chance to see just how kind and gracious my family is for me.
Babies’ Movement: Both keep moving consistently. Our little boy likes to tickle me in the ribs (don’t judge if I start giggling in the middle of a conversation).
Food cravings: Nothing too exciting this week.
Genders: a Boy and a Girl.
Kids room prep: The loot has come in! Between baby showers, donations from great friends and ministries, and a shopping trip with my mama…. our kids are sitting pretty. We were going to wait until we moved in to the new house before stocking up, but it gives me peace of mind to have some of these supplies ready and waiting now.
For the record, we are fully stocked on baby clothes! If you are interested in celebrating our babies with us, here are our registry links with items we still need/would like to have:
Amazon: (twin bassinet, woombies, feeding pillow, snap n’ go stroller)
Target: (high chairs!!)
Walmart: (Jogging stroller, classic toys)
Labor Signs/prep: Patience…
Symptoms: exhaustion
Mood: Steady

Lullaby of the week: Wait and Rest by Brian Campbell.
I have held several brand new babies this week, and I feel like I am the last of the pregnant people I know (both personally and on Facebook) to give birth in this season. In those moments that I am anxious to meet our kids, this song reminds me:
Disarm my thoughts, I’m carried up to the cross…
I will wait and rest, I will wait and rest until you move, and lead me to your heart,
to feel your heart beat, and fill the greatest need in all the earth, that Your will be done in me.
Truth I’m dwelling on: My pelvis and back are receiving the hormone “relaxin” these days, which causes a bit of pain in my ligaments and a whole lot of discomfort. My body is getting ready for babies’ growth spurts (1/2 lb a week from here on out hopefully), and for the marathon of labor and delivery.
Instead of getting frustrated by the discomfort, I am striving to view it as a reminder to add some spiritual “relaxin” to my heart. I want to make room for greater spiritual growth in my life. I know this can be uncomfortable, even scary when God calls me to greater faith, deeper trust, consistent surrender, and uninhibited obedience. But like labor in pregnancy, it’s going to happen one way or another. God has a purpose, and as was said to Solomon:
“Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leaveyou or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of theLord is finished.” 1 Chronicles 28:20
Looking forward to: Meeting these kids!!! (but I’ll just hold them like this for now).
Hi Becky, I have really enjoyed reading your weekly twins progress and am so excited for you and Shane! I thought I’d mention to you that our fire department has a car seat program to make sure your little ones car seats are installed properly. We have car seat techs (they had to take like a 40 hour class! I didn’t think they should be that tricky!) who can install them for you or check to make sure they are correct. Just FYI. And if you are interested, just stop by any station. Hope all is well! Have a blessed day! Jenn
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