My beautiful little sister is getting married tonight. Fear has the potential to encircle this day as a great enemy of joy. The bride could freak out over little details or all the coming changes. The mother of the bride might worry things won’t go as planned. The groom may be scared of the father-of-the-bride (just kidding). The wedding singers might fear losing their voice (that would be my husband and I).
We are all facing a “fear factor” this week. Your factor might be a subtle flutter in the back of your mind. Others might be a convincing ache in the pit of her stomach.
I have explored a lot on the subject of fear here on my blog,
- Our need to be rooted in love, not fear, to produce the fruit of love, instead of anxiety.
- The need to take a “Selah“, to pause and look at God’s grace.
- How statistics don’t apply to God’s plans (and shouldn’t define our perspective of reality)
- What is fear exactly?
- Enduring World scares.
- Fear will convince us to “check hope at the door,” but we should be willing to hope all things, and endure all things at the same time.
God’s Word has several promises regarding fear. Today, I am dwelling on this one:
I hope this truth upholds all members of the wedding party today. My prayer is that we do find a sacred joy in the covenant union between my sister and her husband… a reflection of Christ and His commitment to us! With all this joy and worship of Him, we won’t have room in our hearts or heads to worry or be anxious.
What does it mean for you to exercise your spirit of power, love, and self-discipline over anxiety? Share with us below!