Hands down, the most iconic example in my life of a beautiful dance is Danny Kaye and Vera-Ellen in “the best things” scene in White Christmas. I remember sitting in front of the TV every December, mesmerized by her swirling pink skirt. Even as a young girl, I wanted to tap and twirl, swing around…
On Weddings, Trusting God, and “Save the Last Dance for Me.”
Has anyone heard of the back-story to the song, “Save the Last Dance for Me”? It is beautiful, touching, and you might need a tissue. I included it in my chapter on trusting God for Delight: A Joyful Journey to Biblical Womanhood. Here is a short excerpt from “7.4 Saving the Last Dance?”: I love…
“I got this”…… but I really don’t.
Here is an excerpt from a chapter on trust, from my book found at Delightbiblestudy.wordpress.com. There are a lot of things I am trying to handle on my own right now. This unit is a good reminder that life is a dance. I have been invited to trust Jesus and follow His lead, but sometimes,…
Embracing the Day…
I just posted a piece on trusting God over in Delight Bible Study. I realize that I like to be a wallflower, especially during mornings. I am slow to get moving toward God, embracing the day. I am lazy with my trust…. I take my precious time. Give me coffee, let me scramble some eggs,…
This one time……I wrote a Book
“I exalt you, I exalt you, You’re the color of my world.” These song lyrics have been in my head since 3pm yesterday, the moment I typed my last sentence for the Bible Study I have been writing for 3 years. Birthed in my mind in 2007, this Bible-study for young women has been a…
The Art of Falling Gracefully
I failed again. Life does not have a rewind button, and words spoken do not return to my mouth. I gossiped. I spoke a word that shouldn’t have been said. And it happened so fast, so naturally, so… like… me. Ugh, will I ever gain control over my tongue?! I have been praying for help…
Un”Tangling” the idea of Submission
I’ve mentioned before that I am currently writing a Bible study for teenage girls. This month, I am persevering through to finish it and move forward with how God chooses to use it. Here is an excerpt for your enjoyment (and potential feedback for the study). This part comes from the chapter on Humility, from…
The No-show Blues: leading a Bible study when only 1 person shows up
Ministering to college students includes a unique factor of epic inconsistency in numbers. Particularly for those of us in small-town ministries, most pastors and Bible study leaders have experienced the night when only 1 person shows up. Our experience typically follows a strict schedule of worry, insecurity, then eventual trust in God. Within the first…
14 Days of Loving Jesus: Ideas
February is fast approaching. The stores are already crammed with pink, red, hearts, candy, and stuffed animals advertised marketed towards adults. By March we will see those stuffed animals at the local second-hand store. If you haven’t caught on to my annoyance of this holiday, here it is: I’m annoyed by it. BUT! Because I…
14 Days of Loving Jesus for Valentines Day: The Project
My husband and I have never recognized Valentines Day. Even when we dated we decided the holiday was an over-stimulated way to recognize what we celebrate everyday. The high expectations and pressure, and overall “cheesiness” of the holiday also kept us at bay. This year, though, I think I am going to take all the…