The prefix “re-” has been popping up all over my life this month. I am re-designing my blog. I am re-organizing my schedule. I have been re-arranging the frames on my living room wall. I am creating some photobooks to re-member what a crazy wonderful year we have had since the twins came. I keep getting the re-minder to re-call my salvation and the impact the gospel has on my life.
After noticing so many “re’s” scribbled in my journal and plastered on my to-do list, I decided to investigate these two little letters. Turns out, the prefix “re-” represents the concepts of “back,” and “again.”
I believe there is power in a sanctified “re;” a getting-back-to of the goodness and blessings God has for us. Agreeing again with God’s plan for us.
Take words of repentance with you
and return to the Lord.
Say to Him: “Forgive all our sin
and accept what is good,
so that we may repay You
with praise from our lips. Hosea 1:2
Summer can be a blur sometimes—a wonderful, sunshiney, busy blur— and there is blessing in that. However, as I set my eyes toward the next season, I realize it is time to embrace a grand return. I need to get back to simplicity in my calendar. Our family is ready for a restructuring of our schedule. My worship needs a refocus. My body is desperate for a reprioritization of my habits.
For the next 5 weeks, I will focus on embracing the power of “RE” to:
- Shed the busyness mentality,
- Restore purpose, priorities, and play.
- Unpack the unnecessary
- Reinforce truth of God’s Word.
I nominate you, dear reader, to join me in the 5 Week Refocus Challenge.
For the next 5 weeks, expect 2 or 3 tips per week, along with challenges and Biblical application.
We start Monday, August 10th, 2015, and will celebrate with campfires all over the world (as you are able) on the weekend of September 12. Feel free to join up whenever you like, even if you missed the start-date.
Share your progress through social media with #5weekrefocuschallenge and #campfiregrace
Nominate someone you think needs to incorporate a sanctified “RE-” in her life by posting the URL of this blogpost to her Facebook, Twitter, or email.
And don’t forget to comment on this blog with your progress along the way. For today’s comment, answer the following:
“What kind of sanctified “re” are you longing for in your daily life?”
I’m looking for a renewal of faith. I need to re- examine my relationship with Christ.