The 5 Week Refocus Challenge is well underway. Here’s a recap of week 1:
My Thoughts:
What an awesome week of sweet soul searching!
Remembering my identity in Christ was invaluable to begin this process of “getting back to” God’s best for my schedule, my thoughts, and my relationships.
I set up some reminders of my identity in Christ in highly visual spots. My favorite is my current home screen background for my phone (verse from 1 Peter 2:9)
Next, I dove deep into my thought-life, schedule, and day to day activities to uncover my true objects of worship. I discovered a few areas I need to refocus by intentionally worshipping God through these activities, instead of using them to worship myself, others, or the almighty to-do-list check marks. Some I need to refocus are:
- Worrying about followers/views on my blog
- Time spent on Facebook/Instagram
- Thinking too much about my size/looks
- Turning our ministry into a check-list mentality instead of a relationship-based one
God is helping me refocus my worship in these, and other areas. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to contend with my flesh here. It’s been an emotional and spiritual battle to embrace the power of “re-“.
(Check out my quiz to discover any areas you struggle with idolatry/making much of anything other than God)
These 2 concepts, remembering my identity and refocusing my worship, have been invaluable in this grand return to a cleaner, fuller life, inside and out.
From the Campfire Circle:
What!? I have no status reports to share?
It’s true. No hashtags like #5weekrefocuschallenge or @campfiregrace were found in my search, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
The idea of walking with friends and family through these changes, as you also strive for a refocus moment, is incredibly encouraging!
I consider each of you a part of my campfire circle. It’s the place we meet, celebrate, and share with Jesus and each other all that God is doing in us… together. Let us empower one another by sharing the journey of the 5 Week Refocus Challenge.
Join me next week as I strive to reclaim my mornings, and rekindle my prayer life!
Check In:
How has God helped you refocus on him this week?